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Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light.

Mini Challenge #1 Spring Cleaning

Giving you the Green Light, for muscle and might.

Yesterday, we sent out the first article for our 10 week challenge. In that article, we introduced to you the “Stop Light Method” to bring awareness to the foods you consume and your relationship with them. After reading that email... you might have realized that jar of nutella is restocked way too frequently and hey, we all can relate.

With the Stop Light Method, you can:

  1. Better understand what foods trigger you.

  2. See which foods are beneficial to your health.

  3. Finally decide how to divide these foods into a list in order to lead a healthier lifestyle.

To recap, the Stop Light Method has you break your food consumption down into Red Light, Yellow Light, and Green Light food categories to help aid your dietary regime at home.

Let’s Review:

Red Light:Just like a stop sign would imply: slow your role champ. These are foods you know you shouldn’t consume in abundance, but have trouble stopping at one or two. Moderation is very hard in this category and the foods eaten here are very low in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. It’s best to eliminate these foods from your kitchen when possible. Common examples: Chips, Cookies, Cake, Pasta, Alcohol, Soda, etc. Yellow Light:In this category, you most likely proceed with caution. These are the foods you know aren’t the most nutritious and therefore are satisfied with just a few servings. Moderation is much better here and you’re able to control yourself knowing that food is in the pantry. The foods here are also no different than Red Light foods as we all have different taste buds.

Common examples: Chips, Cookies, Cake, Pasta, Alcohol, Soda, etc.

Green Light:Here, we place the foods that are jammed pack with the nutrition your body needs. This category of healthy fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and tubers are there for you to go for it!

These foods are vital for human performance, recovery, and biochemical processes you need to thrive which gives them a green light for your consumption.

Common examples: Kale, Bananas, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Pumpkin Seeds, etc.

Mini Challenge #1

Eliminate Red Light Foods From Your Kitchen.

Sayonara Tony the Tiger!

By eliminating Red Light Foods from your home, you help create an atmosphere in which nutrition is prioritized.

Out of mind, out of sight.

This doesn’t mean a given food is bad and should never be enjoyed; but instead, we’re challenging you to make your home more supportive of your health.

Look at it this way... let go of the foods that no longer serve you and make space for the foods that do.

During the challenge:

Donate What You Don’t Need.

Consider taking the Red Light foods and donating them to a local food bank or shelter near you.



Share Your Spring Cleaning Challenge Experience With Others

Lead by example and post your challenge experience on social media. You might inspire your followers as you share with them your journey thus far.

Keep Small Amounts Of Yellow Light Foods Around.

Yellow Light foods are to be kept in moderation. Instead of every pop-tart flavor in the cupboard, keep only 2. Remember... be honest with yourself!

Go Green To Get Lean

Most importantly, stock up on Green Light foods from your list. Don’t be stingy, there’s more room in that pantry now!

Before You Start:

Consider Others

Be respectful of those you live with and inform them of your motives. Consider their values and negotiate strategies that will allow you to be successful while respecting their boundaries.

Remember to:

  • Inform them of your mission and reason for your actions.

  • Consider designating kitchen space that is only available to you.

  • Create a space for Red Light foods they want to keep.

  • Work together to make sure everyone is comfortable and knows what’s going on…. Who knows, they may want to join down the road!

What to do today:

  • Throw Away Red Light Food

Go ahead and toss out the Red Light foods and consider sharing what you’re up to on social media.

  • Minimize Yellow Light Foods

Keep Yellow Light foods to a minimum. It’s okay to keep a few of these foods around but remember, NO RED LIGHT FOODS. Aim for 90% adherence and do your best!

  • Replace Red Light Foods With Green Light Foods

Stock up on Green Light foods you enjoy. As more space is available, the more room there is for nutritious options on your list.

  • Think of Others Before You Act

Consider others you live with and inform them of your actions. Get everyone on the same page first and make compromises if needed.

So what’re waiting for!? GREEN LIGHT.. GO!

Good luck, do your best, and we’ll talk again soon.

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